Health Topics

Healthy Living

Lasting Inner and Outer Beauty

Dr T R Karthik

Simple ayurvedic techniques
Ayurveda mentions many simple natural ways to maintain healthy and glowing skin, and lustrous hair. These techniques utilize organic natural ingredients that do not harm your body and help you to maintain your youthful beauty.
  • Mix equal quantities of cucumber juice, rose water, and limejuice. Wash your face and apply this mixture before you sleep. Rinse it off in the morning. This mixture clears the complexion and keeps your skin healthy.
  • Take 50 ml. of raw (not boiled) milk. Add a pinch of salt and two teaspoonfuls of limejuice; mix thoroughly. This mixture is a very good cleansing lotion and helps to clean right up to the deep pores of the skin.
  • Make a paste of raw carrots and apply it to the face like a pack. Wash it off after one hour. Watch your skin glow.
  • Regular application of mint juice to the face can help to remove stains and blemishes.
  • Forgo the Botox shots. Fresh Aloe Vera gel is useful in tightening the skin.
  • Mix ghee (clarified butter), butter, honey, curd, and milk with a pinch of turmeric. Apply on the face like a pack. Wash it off after one hour with cold water or rose water. This pack has anti-wrinkle, anti-fungal and anti-itching properties. It smoothens and nourishes the skin and makes it soft and glowing.
    Make a paste with banana milk, coconut milk, boiled milk or carrot juice, and apply it to the face. Wash it off after one hour with cold water or rose water. This concoction softens the skin and gives it a glow.
  • Make a paste with buttermilk or boiled milk and massage it into your hair once or twice a week. Rinse off after one hour with warm water. This natural shampoo nourishes the hair follicles, stops hair fall, reduces dandruff, cools the head, calms the mind, and induces good sleep.
Natural ayurvedic alternatives

Skin care products that are available in the market may contain harsh chemicals that can actually damage your skin instead of doing it any good. Ayurveda paves the way for natural Ayurvedic alternatives to skin care that are not only good for your skin but also light on your pocket.


Ayurvedic cleansing scrubs

These Ayurvedic cleansing scrubs clean the pores, remove dirt and other impurities, and help to tighten the skin. The best part is that all the ingredients that you require are already available in your kitchen. Choose from a cleansing scrub for dry skin or oily skin.


Cleansing scrub for dry skin

2 teaspoons quick-cooking oats
1/4 teaspoon almond powder
1/4 teaspoon orange peel powder
1/4 teaspoon lavender flower powder
2 tablespoons yogurt

Stir together all the ingredients and apply very gently on face with fingertips. Let the scrub set on the skin, then using very slight pressure, flake the mask off into the basin. If the mask feels too sticky, use warm water to rinse. Dab the face with a soft towel, and apply a good moisturizer
Cleansing scrub for oily skin
1 teaspoon toasted wheat bran
1/4 teaspoon almond powder
1/2 teaspoon orange-peel powder
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Wheat bran is a very efficient scrub, coaxing the grime out with ease. Combined with cooling yogurt, it helps to gently exfoliate the skin. The Vitamin C in lemon juice promotes scrubbing activity and also exfoliates the skin.

These Ayurvedic moisturizers help to keep your skin hydrated at all times. They are made from hundred percent natural ingredients that you can easily obtain from your nearest grocery store.

Moisturizer for dry skin

1/2 teaspoon cocoa butter or coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon lemon or lime juice
1 teaspoon olive oil
3 drops lavender oil


This is a deep yet non-greasy moisturizer. Mix the ingredients together and apply lightly to the face twice a day. Lavender oil easily keeps in the fridge for up to a week.

Moisturizer for oily skin
1 teaspoon lemon juice
2 drops of lemon-peel essential oil
1 teaspoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon cocoa butter

Mix ingredients together and apply lightly to the face twice a day.

Dr T R Karthik is an Ayurveda Physician with Apollo Wellness Plus, Chennai
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